Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Let her be.

Her psyche is breathlessly gorgeous.
She stumbled into the midst of the ugliest, most aching, and painful battle, 
and then grew the most stunning wings.
And soar.

She soared above the heavy clouds of tears and sadness, 
attempting to sprinkle her glimmering dust of joy.
She is a brave, lovely, and fair maiden - full of hopes and dreams.
She yearned to kiss the rain and drink in its sweet raindrops.

Let her be.
Don’t put her in a dungeon.
Let her fly and see her inner beauty.
Let her see her worth and value.
Allow her eyes to sparkle and her voice to be heard.
Let her re-discover the world.
Travel and create great memories with her.
Don’t take her for granted.  

Fly with her.
Appreciate everything about her.
Don't compare her wings to anyone else's. She owns it, and she worked hard for it.
She deserves nothing but the best.
See her beautiful world and embrace her innocence and kindness.
She want nothing but your love.
Don't break her wings. It took a long time for her to grow such beautiful wings.
Shower her with love and let her heart flourish.
Guard her heart as you guard yours. Her heart is frail, but it is true.

She doesn't want half-hearted relationships.
She values your heart as a precious stone and will take good care of you.
She will always prove your worth.
She will cheer you up and would never ever leave you.
She's a fighter. She is both brave and vulnerable.
Don't be perplexed or pass judgment on her based on her moods.
She’s a woman with a girl’s innocent heart
and beneath her beautiful wings are the scars of yesterday.


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