Friday, March 02, 2018


Do your friends help you in overcoming your problems, or do they exacerbate them? Take into account the people in your corner. Some friendships bring us joy, while others teach us a valuable lesson.

If they’re not trying to grow with you, they’ve got to go.  Surround yourself with people who love and lift others up. A flower will not thrive if it is surrounded by weeds. Remove those who poison your optimism and create an environment conducive to growth for yourself. 

Don't let careless people stiffen your tender heart. I understand how it feels to have people mistake your goodness for weakness, but the world needs more people like you. You're going to make a difference and help heal the broken-hearted. You must believe it for yourself.

Ash B. ❤❤❤

posted from Bloggeroid

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